HDL (Hardware Description Language) based design has established itself as the modern approach to design of digital systems, with VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) and Verilog HDL being the two dominant HDLs. Numerous universities thus introduce their students to VHDL (or Verilog). VHDL is complex due to its generality. Introducing students to the language first, and then showing them how to design digital systems with the language, tends to confuse students. The language issues tend to distract them from the understanding of digital components. And the synthesis subset issues of the language add to the confusion. It can describe the behaviour and structure of electronic systems, but is particularly suited as a language to describe the structure and behaviour of digital electronic hardware designs, such as ASICs and FPGAs as well as conventional digital circuits. VHDL is a notation, and is precisely and completely defined by the Language Reference Manual ( LRM ). This sets VHDL apart from other hardware description languages, which are to some extent defined in an ad hoc way by the behaviour of tools that use them. VHDL is an international standard, regulated by the IEEE. The definition of the language is non-proprietary.
Rapid Techs provide a thorough introduction to the VHDL language. The emphasis is on writing solid synthesizable code and enough simulation code to write a viable testbench. Structural, register transfer level (RTL), and behavioral coding styles are covered. Our practical sessions address targeting FPGA devices specifically Xilinx & Altera devices in general. The information gained can be applied to any digital design by using a top-down synthesis design approach. Our training combines insightful lectures with hands on exercises to reinforce key concepts. At Rapid Techs, best centre for IEEE academic project assistance for M Tech, BTech, the students will also learn best coding practices that will increase overall VHDL proficiency.
Here we are listed some latest IEEE research projects
2015 IEEE Transactions
- Fault Tolerant Parallel Filters Based on Error Correction Codes
- Fully Reused VLSI Architecture of FM0_Manchester Encoding Using SOLS
- Fast Sign Detection Algorithm for the RNS Moduli Set
- Partially Parallel Encoder Architecture for Long Polar Codes
- Low-Power Programmable PRPG With Test Compression Capabilities
- Energy-Efficient Approximate Multiplication for Digital Signal Processing and Classification Applications
- A Class of SEC-DED-DAEC Codes Derived From Orthogonal Latin Square Codes
- Arithmetic-Based Binary-to-RNS Converter
- High-Throughput Finite Field Multipliers Using Redundant Basis for FPGA and ASIC Implementations
- A Synergetic Use of Bloom Filters for Error Detection and Correction
- An Efficient Constant Multiplier Architecture Based on Vertical-Horizontal Binary Common Sub-expression Elimination Algorithm for Reconfigurable FIR Filter Synthesis
- An Accuracy-Adjustment Fixed-Width Booth Multiplier
For latest IEEE VLSI projects,
Contact on 09539546641
Write to us – rapidtechs@gmail.com