Internet of things – anytime, anywhere by anyone and anything. The next logical step in the technological revolution connecting people anytime, anywhere is to connect inanimate objects. Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept for the future of wireless computer networking based on electronic sensors and automatic data processing. For individuals this new concept can come in many forms including health, safety, financially, and every day planning. The integration of IoT into the health care system could prove to be incredibly beneficial for both an individual and a society. It allows individuals to monitor their security systems at home through their phones, with the ability to control it. IoT can also function as a tool that can save people money within their households. The IoT has many advantages to businesses, individuals, consumers, the environment, and society.
Rapid Techs is the No.1 academic project centre providing excellent training in IoT, Robotics, Embedded Systems, FPGA and other latest innovative technologies. Many engineering students show lot of interest to do the projects based on embedded systems in their final year. We are experts in designing embedded systems with 8051, PIC, AVR, ARM, Raspberry Pi controllers, FPGA, DSP etc. We assist B Tech & Mtech students to implement the latest IEEE projects.